Pre-Toddlers (Nido 2)
“One grows by learning more every” —we follow this fact.

Austin Eco School: Our program at AISM includes learning through art, dance, music, small world play, Our Reggio Emilia at NVRE includes learning through art, dance, music, small world play, getting into nature, speaking and listening, explorative play, water play or moving their bodies.

During the learning experiences, our students will document their understanding through their artwork, verbal explanations and/or photos. When sharing their thought processes creatively, they are forming scaffolds of each discovery in the learning process, which helps the teachers track the students’ understanding.
Our school strives to examine what, where and how children should learn in order to thrive in a dynamic world. We pay attention in the development of the basic skills: emotional, motor, neurological, intelectual, social and environmental.
Learning about Practical Life
This form of learning connects the child to his/her environment and himself/herself. With us, the children can practice the adult activities they observe at their home. Apart from it, they learn eating, tying, buttoning, zipping, and hand-washing. They learn activities to keep the environment and themselves clean. Furthermore, they learn specific motor skills like standing straight, balancing, and cutting. Watering the plants, using dustbins, cleaning, and polishing are few other daily learnings. 
Children perform by seeing and observing each other. It encourages their social skills as well. Moreover, they learn other skills like speaking, accepting mistakes, group participation as well.
Learning about Sensory Organs
The child observes and explores the world around him/her using his senses. We use certain safe materials to help children learn about their senses. They learn the concepts of smell, touch, hear, feel, taste, color, structure, and sound. They achieve it with the help of sensory materials along with their senses.
Learning about Language
Children learn both verbal and non-verbal languages. They learn to express themselves with the help of teachers and peers. Moreover, they learn their native languages via simple day-to-day activities. Via Spanish immersion, students can learn the Spanish language also. The native Spanish speakers and the books and materials help them learn it. They learn the languages via activities like conversation, stories, singing, etc.
Learning about Mathematics
Children learn this concept via real-life activities and their senses. It is a slow process that goes from concrete to abstract. The first step is counting the real-life objects or colorful pictures. Then it goes further with counting the written numbers. Once children have learned to count, here comes the next step. They learn about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division step by step. 
Learning about Neuro-Movement
The students at NVRE pre-toddler program learn a lot about motor skills. The development of motor skills is proportional to neuro-development. By brain cells connect to the body via synapses with the help of motor activities only. It is vital because every other learning comes after neuro-movement learning. 
It is an exciting part of learning via certain daily routines. It is essential for long-term fitness, balance, creativity, and energy as well.
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